Cases Eng

Home appliance repair in Canada

Case: Home appliance repair in Canada
About the project
The Client lives in Canada and is a home appliance repairer. At first, he worked for hire and at the same time started doing repairs on his own. The client had no website or social media. We created a website, a lead form, and creatives, including materials where the client filmed the repair process and the problems that his customers had. The cost of applications at launch was $20 each, since the price of an application is more expensive in Canada, such applications paid off in full. He received a check for $300, and if there was a repair, it was even more expensive.
Set goals:
  1. Applications for 20$ each
  2. Full preparation for the launch
What was done:
  1. We created 1 website, and made a number of changes for 2
  2. We tested: website, lead forms, different creatives, different advertising goals, phone calls, focused on conversions, launched retargeting
  3. We worked with different audience segments
  4. There was a problem with geo, because there was only one city. We had to constantly change offers and creatives because of banner blindness and a small audience.
  5. We set up analytics on the site to track how many customers came and at what point they disappeared
  6. Created offers from scratch
  7. We identified a number of groups that were more interested in this service
  8. Tested creatives
  9. Launched retargeting
  • Applications up to $20
  • Full load of orders