Cases Eng

Repair and installation of balconies

Case: Repair and installation of balconies
About the project
The client came with a request for traffic from Facebook and Instagram. He didn't have a website (he had a quote and Instagram). We decided to test the quiz. But when I tested it, I realized that the requests were expensive and of low quality.

We had a KPI of up to $5 (the goal). We tested it and saw that the applications did not reach $5. As a result, we spent 2 months building lead forms while we created the website.
Set goals:
  1. Receive requests up to $4.5
  2. Improve the management of Instagram and YouTube channels
  3. Teach you how to work with incoming applications
What was done:
  1. On average. Due to the fact that we had a website, lead form, and retargeting, the cost of an application was $2.8 per application
  2. We identified several target audiences
  3. The problem was in a small geo - Dnipro. During the month of the advertising company's work, we captured almost the entire target audience, so we had to constantly change our approach, constantly be creative. Every month we changed approaches, promotions, and creatives.
  4. We tested more than 100 creatives and 6 offers on the website, did not expand the geography, and tested different goals.
  5. We sent messages to Instagram, converted and generated leads. We tested the reach and traffic to the YouTube channel. We settled on conversion and lead generation.
  • The average cost of a lead form was $1. Then we made 2 versions of the site to test different offers. We launched the site and were able to receive applications up to $3.
  • We worked with the client for a year, working in season and out of season.