Cases Eng

Installation of solar stations

Case: Installation of solar power plants
About the project
At the beginning, the client had no website and no Instagram. Customers came in a sundress. The power plant was purchased and installed through the client. We started with lead forms. We wrote a script for video creatives and helped to shoot them. We tested photo and video creatives.

We worked with this client for 1.5 years. During the period of work, another tariff, not under the green tariff, was opened for their home or business. We helped to package the new offer, developed a new offer for the target audience. We also helped with shooting video and photo creatives. We set up and launched ads on the website. We also provided edits to the website and packaging in general. The result in this area was also good.

Due to the war, the project was suspended. But then there were prospects for scaling up.
Set goals:
  1. Increase sales
  2. Prepare and launch advertising
  3. Create a website
  4. Receive requests up to $5
What was done:
  1. We tested creatives
  2. Made a website
  3. Made a lead form
  4. Launched advertising on the site
  • Received requests for the site for $3-3.5
  • Received applications for the lead form for 2-2.5$